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Showing posts from April, 2020

Symptoms and Treatments of Thyroid Disease

Thyroid disease are conditions that mainly affect the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck and it quite looks like a butterfly. This gland plays an important role in regulating ample of metabolic procedures throughout the entire body. If thyroid gland stops working properly then it might create several problems. If you are suffering from thyroid disorder then you should consult a thyroid doctor in Guwahati and take experts guidance from him. Thyroid hormones affect multi organs system and the symptoms of it are wide-ranging. Thyroid glands produce two types of hormones such as triiodothyronine and thyroxine. These are responsible for regulating metabolism and affect the breathing, body temperature, muscle strength and so on. Some common symptoms of thyroid disease are fatigue, cold intolerance, pain in muscle and jointly, constipation, excessive weight gain or loss, dry skin, slow heartbeat, heavy periods, insomnia weakness and so on. Ther

Parathyroid Facts - Things You weren’t Aware of!

Like all small things are beautiful, the endocrine glands, that may seem tiny, is responsible for regulating the calcium in your blood. The bone strength you take immense pride in, well, the Parathyroid glands are the “master mind” behind it. Hence, it is essential that you know the A-Z of the Parathyroid glands so that you can nurture them well. Facts: Location Parathyroid are usually situated at the back of your thyroid glands. However, in some cases, Parathyroid may be found in the lower portion of the neck or can even glide down to the chest. Alternatively, they are also found near the jawbone or next to the carotid artery. Function Parathyroid regulates the level of calcium and phosphorus in your blood. The presence of these chemicals in the blood helps in maintaining the rhythm of heart beat, teeth and bones, blood clotting, muscle contraction, and many more. The Parathyroid hormone or PTH is responsible for the absorption of calcium from food which then gets

Breast Cancer can be Treated with These Methods

Due to the excessive growth of died cells in the breast can result in breast cancer. These cancerous cells mainly form a tumour in your breast and can be seen on or felt as a lump. It can spread outside the breast with the lymph vessels and blood vessels. But if it is detected at the first stages then it is curable completely. This disease is treated in several ways. But most importantly, it depends on how far it has spread and the kind of cancer you are suffering from. So, as soon as you find any symptoms of this disease you should visit breast cancer surgeon in India and take proper treatment to get cured from it. Let’s take a look at some of the3 common and effective treatments that are prescribed by the surgeons. Surgery In this treatment, the surgeons will cut out the cancerous tissue and perform an operation. Chemotherapy In this process, the doctors use special medicines that help to kill the cancer cells. This type of medicines can be found in the form of

A Complete Guide on Thyroid Surgery - Relax Your Way to the Hospital

The date of your surgery has been fixed and inevitably you are scared. Well, panicking is pretty obvious but what if you are already aware of what goes on the surgery bed while you are sleeping under anaesthesia. While your eyes are wide open the thyroid doctors in Guwahati might seem to be the Satan of the hour, but they are not. They are merely doing the job they are assigned to do. Although you cannot be a doctor after reading the steps given below, however being aware of the procedure can help you walk through the hospital doors like a thug . Before Surgery A handful number of imaging and lab test are to be performed to understand the condition and size of your thyroid gland. Frequent tests will also help your doctor to understand if the thyroid is cancerous or not. Instructions on your diet and lifestyle will also be chalked out by your doctor which you are to strictly abide to avoid complications. Not to scare you, but the more you follow the recommendat

My Journey with Partial Thyroidectomy and How I Overcame It!

Last year, I underwent a partial thyroidectomy to cut-off almost half of my thyroid glands. The day I was diagnosed with this surgery, I went sleepless nights over the Internet looking for ways to cure. That is when I came across some leading endocrine surgeons in India . In all my life, I didn’t give a heck to surgeries. From the age of 3, I was into sports. Some call me a born athlete! But, all my pride came crashing down on May 19th 2019. I still marked the day on my calendar. The day I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. But, as all athletes do, they fight! I did nothing less. That’s when I came to know that thousands suffer from this disease ever year. Although the success rate is generally high, most can’t afford this treatment. Luckily, I had my sources in the sports world, who recommended me to an endocrine surgeon in India . I tell you this doctor changed my life! After initial hesitation, I finally made it to his clinic and consulted about the severi