Last year, I underwent a partial thyroidectomy to cut-off almost half of my thyroid glands. The day I was diagnosed with this surgery, I went sleepless nights over the Internet looking for ways to cure. That is when I came across some leading endocrine surgeons in India.
In all my life, I didn’t give a heck to surgeries. From the age of 3, I was into sports. Some call me a born athlete! But, all my pride came crashing down on May 19th 2019. I still marked the day on my calendar.
The day I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.
But, as all athletes do, they fight! I did nothing less. That’s when I came to know that thousands suffer from this disease ever year. Although the success rate is generally high, most can’t afford this treatment. Luckily, I had my sources in the sports world, who recommended me to an endocrine surgeon in India.
I tell you this doctor changed my life!
After initial hesitation, I finally made it to his clinic and consulted about the severity of my case. The doctor was more than happy to answer all my queries. Trust me, some were really silly ones! But, at the end of it, I came out of her office feeling confident and hopeful.
From my experience, I tell you mutual trust can go a long way. For a successful surgery, the expertise of an endocrine surgeon in India isn’t enough. Only if you feel comfortable and safe around that surgeon - that’s the determining factor!
Luckily, my surgery was a big success with developing no compactions whatsoever. Obey the doctor’s orders and you’ll be in the safe side.
To all my fellow patients who are suffering from same disease, do not fear. Never let your fears take the best of you. Fight. Give you best. You will emerge victorious like me!
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